Records of the Office of the Chief Signal Officer. 1860 - 1985. Motion Picture Films from the Army Library Copy Collection. 1964 - 1980. Liberation of Austria


Records of the Office of the Chief Signal Officer. 1860 - 1985. Motion Picture Films from the Army Library Copy Collection. 1964 - 1980. Liberation of Austria


Inserts: Newspaper clippings from Austrian newspapers announcing the State Treaty which is to give Austria its freedom once again. The foreign ministers of the Three Powers, John Foster Dulles, Premier Harold MacMillan, Antoine Pinay, arrive at the airfield May 13, 1955. They are greeted by former Chancellor Leopold Fig1. V Molotov arrives by plane in the Soviet sector, Vienna. The Belvedere Palace in Vienna; the gates open. Arrival of the ministers. In the Conference Hall of the Belvedere Castle, foreign ministers, other officials greet one another. The Treaty is signed. CU of the Treaty and a voice announcing "Austria is free". Scenes iof crowds cheering in the streets. Austria's President, Theodor Koerner, greets representatives of the Four Powers. CU, Molotov drinks toast. The American CG in Austria, William R. Arnold, seated at table during the Treaty signing. Seq: Guard units of the Four Powers parade near the Allied Control Council building for the last time. Chancellor Julius Raab and Vice Chancellor Adolf Scharf at ceremony at the ACC bldg. Flags of the occupying powers are hauled down (Russian flag not included in scenes). The Austrian flag is run up. French troops board train. Scenes of the troops drinking, taking picture down from their barracks. British trooops boarding planes. British troops packing, etc. A Russian soldier dances in the street. Russian troops wave from the train. American soldiers assemble for the last time at RR station. Gen. Arnold and Mrs. Arnold surrounded by friends. Gen. Arnold wipes his eyes with handkerchief at station at station farewell. He leans from the train window to shake hands with people. Fireworks in the night sky; people dancing in the street at night. Building decorated with lights. VS, mountains, rivers, factories, steel mill, modern apartment houses. The Votiv Church in Vienna. Flag of Austria flies from top of Belvedere Castle.

eng, Latn

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